Earth Day is being celebrated the world over. This day was founded by Gaylord Nelson, US Senator on 22nd April, 1970.
In the Northern Hemisphere, Earth Day is celebrated in spring whereas in the Southern Hemisphere it is celebrated in autumn.
Earth Week has been celebrated by various communities. It is a week full of activities that focuses on the varied environmental issues.
It was in Philadelphia (1970) that the 1st Earth Week originated. World Earth Day is now observed virtually on every country on 22nd April.
Forty years after the first Earth Day, the world is in greater peril than ever. While climate change is the greatest challenge of our time, it also presents the greatest opportunity – an unprecedented opportunity to build a healthy, prosperous, clean energy economy now and for the future.
Earth Day 2010 can be a turning point to advance climate policy, energy efficiency, renewable energy and green jobs. Earth Day Network is galvanizing millions who make personal commitments to sustainability. Earth Day 2010 is a pivotal opportunity for individuals, corporations and governments to join together and create a global green economy.
Earth Day 2010 can be a turning point to advance climate policy, energy efficiency, renewable energy and green jobs. Earth Day Network is galvanizing millions who make personal commitments to sustainability. Earth Day 2010 is a pivotal opportunity for individuals, corporations and governments to join together and create a global green economy.
This is the day to make a fresh start to save our Earth’s environment. The first earth day was celebrated around 40 years back. And today is a day when the earth day should be observed with awareness towards its environment which is at a high risk due to pollution and other activities.
The Earth day this year comes with a big note for all its residents indicating that it is high time we do something to save the earth’s environment. The Earth day is an appropriate day to jot down plans on energy efficiency, use of renewable energy and maintaining our green earth green. This is the day when each individual should take the responsibility to work together with government organizations and corporations and bring out a global green economy.
The Earth day this year comes with a big note for all its residents indicating that it is high time we do something to save the earth’s environment. The Earth day is an appropriate day to jot down plans on energy efficiency, use of renewable energy and maintaining our green earth green. This is the day when each individual should take the responsibility to work together with government organizations and corporations and bring out a global green economy.
No matter what you do to celebrate the day, it can be truly significant. If you simply take notice of the earth and how lucky we truly are, you have celebrated! So here are some simple ideas, if you don’t have some terrific ones of your own!
=> See “Earth” – the Disneynature film that is sure to be a crowd pleaser!
=>Plant a tree – buy a tree for your yard or sponsor the planting of a tree.
Plan an eco-friendly meal – eat organic, locally-grown produce and get a taste of the earth!
=>Attend an Earth event – check your local zoo, botanical gardens, nature center or community’s programs.
=>Read a book – if your children are burnt out on their own nature books, check out the local library for some new selections.
=>Clean out the clutter – and donate what you own that no longer has a purpose, to keep it out of the trash and landfills.
=>Go for a walk – your own neighborhood or a local hiking path can remind you of the wonder of nature.
=>Pick up some trash – this can be coupled with your walk and accomplish even more!
=>Break ground for a garden – as organic as you can get!
=>Adopt nature – sponsor an endangered species or an acre of rainforest.
=>Make recycled crafts – your own home (and recycle bin) is full of supplies!
=>Change a habit – whether it’s cleaning products or a pledge to recycle more, every change is a good change.
=>Switch to CFLs – buy some! And when an old incandescent burns out, switch ‘em out!
=>USE those reusable bags – vow to make this a priority!
=>“Talk about it!” – talk about what Earth Day really means… with your kids, your friends, your neighbor… anyone that might need to know or need a little “push!”
=> See “Earth” – the Disneynature film that is sure to be a crowd pleaser!
=>Plant a tree – buy a tree for your yard or sponsor the planting of a tree.
Plan an eco-friendly meal – eat organic, locally-grown produce and get a taste of the earth!
=>Attend an Earth event – check your local zoo, botanical gardens, nature center or community’s programs.
=>Read a book – if your children are burnt out on their own nature books, check out the local library for some new selections.
=>Clean out the clutter – and donate what you own that no longer has a purpose, to keep it out of the trash and landfills.
=>Go for a walk – your own neighborhood or a local hiking path can remind you of the wonder of nature.
=>Pick up some trash – this can be coupled with your walk and accomplish even more!
=>Break ground for a garden – as organic as you can get!
=>Adopt nature – sponsor an endangered species or an acre of rainforest.
=>Make recycled crafts – your own home (and recycle bin) is full of supplies!
=>Change a habit – whether it’s cleaning products or a pledge to recycle more, every change is a good change.
=>Switch to CFLs – buy some! And when an old incandescent burns out, switch ‘em out!
=>USE those reusable bags – vow to make this a priority!
=>“Talk about it!” – talk about what Earth Day really means… with your kids, your friends, your neighbor… anyone that might need to know or need a little “push!”